Meeting Room Reservation
After reading our room reservation policy here, you will find the online room reservation at the bottom of the page.
The Meeting Rooms of the Chester Library may be reserved for public gatherings when not being used for Library programs. Permission to use the Library Meeting Rooms in no way implies Library sponsorship or endorsement of any group or its program.
General Meeting Room Rules
- Requests may be submitted by adults twenty-one (21) years or older who hold an active Chester Library card in good standing.
- Room requests can be submitted in three ways: (1) on the online reservation system, (2) by calling the library at 908-879-7612, (3) or in-person at the Circulation Desk.
- Meeting rooms are only available during regular Library hours.
- Room requests may be submitted up to six (6) months in advance.
- All meeting room requests must be approved by the Director or Director’s designee and will be considered in the order of their receipt.
- Reservations will be forfeited if not claimed within 15 minutes of reservation time.
- One adult twenty-one (21) years or older must be in attendance when minors are using the room.
- Preparation of the rooms for the meeting and clean-up following the meeting are the responsibilities of the group requesting the use of the rooms.
- The group must furnish all supplies and materials needed. The Library will not care for or store any material for groups using the meeting rooms.
- Meetings may not disrupt the use of the Library by others. Users are subject to all Library rules and regulations and may be asked to leave if they do not abide by them. Users shall maintain proper order and adhere to all applicable state, federal and municipal regulations.
- The person who reserved the room will be responsible for any damage to the room or its furnishings.
- The Library staff will not be responsible for the supervision of children while adults are attending meetings.
- Meetings do not have to be open to the public.
- A Library staff member may be present at any time during any meeting.
- Any social media or print advertising or publicity for a program must include the phrase “not a Library-sponsored activity.”
- Groups are responsible for notifying the Library of cancellation of any meeting or program.
- The Library Board of Trustees reserves the right to cancel or suspend any permission granted to any group or organization that violates these rules.
- The Library Board of Trustees reserves the right to waive rules at its discretion.
- The Library reserves the right to refuse, on a case-by-case basis, a reservation request when it would monopolize the rooms for one group at the expense of others.
- Library needs will take priority over other uses, as when the Library serves as proctor for a test. In this case, the Library does the scheduling for the test-taker.
- Personal belongings should not be left unattended. The Library is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- The possession, consumption, or use of any illegal drugs or controlled substances is strictly prohibited within the library. This includes recreational and medicinal use unless otherwise permitted by law.
- Smoking and vaping are prohibited in the Library building.
The Larison Room (Large Meeting Room)
- The Larison Room may be used by groups of 10 – 70 persons.
- Groups with fewer than 10 persons may reserve the Small Meeting Room.
- The Larison Room may be reserved by the same individual or group no more than once in a calendar month for a period of two hours except by approval of the Director or Director’s designee.
- Solicitation of money (including admission charges or dues) is prohibited. Groups may place a donation jar for contributions, but money should not change hands directly between individuals.
- Use of the library’s projector and sound system should be arranged in advance with library staff.
- Food and non-alcoholic beverages are permitted.
- No food is to be left in the room. Clean-up following the meeting are the responsibilities of the group requesting the use of the rooms.
Small Meeting Room, Side A and Side B
- The Small Meeting Room is intended for groups up to twelve (12) people. The room can be split into two spaces which can be reserved individually. Each space, Side A and Side B, can accommodate up to six (6) people.
- The Small Meeting Room may be reserved by the same individual or group no more than four times in a calendar month for no more than two hours each time except by approval of the Director or Director’s designee.